Home Offices: Small Is Beautiful

3 10 2012

Today’s article is about starting your own home based business.

Years ago, you very rarely heard of people starting home based businesses; at that time you only heard of large companies with thousands of employees.   Nowadays you’re seeing more people starting their own businesses, thus becoming their own boss.

Some new team members recruited from the corporate world are initially skeptical about being able to run their business from a small home or apartment. There are many benefits to starting a home based business. 

There is no need to go out and rent office space, you only need a desk, chair, and some office supplies.

  • Get a desk that fits your space. Corner desks can free up space not ordinarily used.
  • Office chairs with rollers let you easily access items within arm’s reach without having to stand up.
  • Shelves, shelves, shelves! Use all that prime vertical real estate on your walls.
  • Get a paper shredder and use it.

With starting a Xocai home based business, you’re able to enjoy the benefits of operating your own business from their home; with unlimited income potential, flexibility, being your own boss, and not having the overhead of product.

A paper shredder takes up some room but frees up space previously populated by papers you don’t need anymore.  Some super-organized team members might schedule regular paper-shredding into their weekly agenda.

One drawback of home offices is the difficulty of holding meetings. It is hard to remain professional when inviting a client to your home office that doubles as a laundry room. You can solve this by holding large business meetings in rented conference rooms. Small meetings can be held over lunch or breakfast in business-friendly Brantford restaurants. (Check for internet access before scheduling.)

Before you head out to your nearest office supply store to buy a rolling chair, desk, or shelf unit, take measurements of your space. This may save you a trip to return an item that doesn’t fit.

I am new entrepreneur Pat Newstead. Working at home running my xe energy drink online business lets me work and play everyday. If you are stuck in the 9-5 lifestyle, let’s talk. My xe energy drink team is currently seeking people to join our team  

Give me a call!
Pat Newstead
Paris, Ontario. CANADA N3L 3B2
519-757-2751 pat_newstead@yahoo.ca



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