8 Ways Grocery Stores Get You to Spend

5 12 2012

It happens to the best of us. Without even really thinking about it, we end up with a basket full of groceries, when we really just wanted to buy a tomato and a bag of rice for dinner that night. Though it may not make our pocketbooks, or our bulging cupboards, very happy, it sure makes the supermarkets happy. Indeed, the marketing minds behind your local grocery store haven’t let any detail go unnoticed when it comes to creating the perfect environment for you to fork over your cash.

1. They Understaff Check Stands.
Sometimes it feels like you spend more time waiting in line than you do, well, shopping. And that’s no accident; supermarkets want you to wait in line as long as possible, so that you’ll be more likely to pick up one of the impulse buys the checkstands are lined with. Think about it: how often do you leaf through a magazine or stare down that candy bar when you’re waiting your turn?

2. They Put the Most Common Items in the Back.
Though you may have only intended to stock up on milk and eggs, you somehow leave with a basket full of stuff. How did that happen? Well, for one thing staple foods are in the back of the store. That way, you’ll need to walk past all types of things you weren’t planning on purchasing before you make it to the dairy case.

3. The Stuff at the End of the Aisle Isn’t Always on Sale.
You know those big, showy displays at the end of the aisle that seem to be promoting great bargains? That’s not always the case. These prime slots are often paid for by food manufacturers, and don’t always offer the best deal.

4. They Put the Bakery & Flowers at the Front.
Supermarkets often put the floral and bakery departments right at the entrance of the store. One major reason is the smell — pleasant odors have actually been shown to increase a shopper’s tendency to buy impulsively. These departments also set a good “tone” for your shopping experience.

5. They Get Rid of the Dollar Signs.
We all think of spending money when we see a dollar sign. But just the number on its own? Well, that has been shown to be more associated with saving money. Grocery stores sometimes remove the dollar sign from price tags to get us to be more willing to spend.

6. They Put the Most Expensive Items at Eye Level.
Like any profit-making entity, supermarkets are in the business of making as much money as possible. They’ll get more of your hard-earned dollars if you fork them over for the more expensive brand name items than they will for the lower-priced generic brands. So they want you to spot the higher priced items first, and they do that by putting them at eye level

7. That Coupon or Discount is Too Good to be True.
Or, rather, it can be too good to be true. Sometimes, stores will bump up the price of an item before putting it on “sale,” to make it look like a better bargain than it is. Other times, stores will leave the sale tags on items after the sale has ended, or put them up before it starts. One more trick? Stores assume that coupons will get customers to purchase products they normally wouldn’t because they think they’re a good deal. Often times, they’re really not. Don’t take coupons at face value!

8. They Add More Services.
Does your grocery store have a cafe, a pharmacy, a bank, a dry cleaner, a DVD dispenser or any of other extras that aren’t, well, groceries. Odds are that it does. Stores do this to get you to spend as much time as possible, and as frequently as possible, in their store.

Traveling With Pets

5 12 2012

The topic that I’m writing about today, is taking your pets with you on vacation.  Nowadays many families own pets, whether it be a cat or dog.  Depending on where and the distance that you have to travel, to get to your vacation destination; you must plan accordingly.  For instance if you’re going to an amusement park, you might want to leave them at home; by having them boarded. Pets generally travel well when going on vacation but not all.

Here are some of my tips,  that I ’ve gathered from friends and other sites to help make traveling with pets safe and fun.

10 Tips For Traveling With Pets

1. Go to the vet. Knowing that your pet has updated vaccines is necessary if you board your pet at your destination and also helpful if there is an emergency. Carry the papers with you.

2. Tags aren’t just for luggage. Whether you travel by car or plane, pets should always have a sturdy collar with home address and telephone number on a tag. You may want to put other emergency info on the tag too.

3. Pack and plan for your pet like you would for any other member of your family. Pets like the comforts of home – bedding, toys, brush and dishes. Bring your pet’s food. Traveling is not the time to try a new food and get experimental with your pet’s digestive tract. Also bring extra clean-up bags. Some pets get nervous when they travel and feel the urge to go more often.

4. Use some restraint. Just as humans need seatbelts, animals need some form of safety restraint when in the car. Pet carriers can confine and secure your animal and make them more comfortable. There are also special restraining harnesses that can connect a dog to safety belts.

5. Dogs love the back of pick-up trucks, but… It is estimated that more than 100,000 dogs die from falls from pickup trucks each year. According to the Humane Society of the United States, though, there is no harness or leash that will keep a dog safe in the back of a pickup truck.

6. Some animals get car sick. If your pet gets motions sickness, feed a light meal a few hours before you leave and don’t feed much during the drive. Offer water periodically in the hours before and during the trip.

7. No doggy in the window. Dogs absolutely love to stick their heads out the window and smell the air as it rushes by. Though it’s sad to deprive them of this enjoyment, many dogs are injured when road debris or insects fly into their eyes, nostrils or windpipe. They can also become ill by having cold air forced into their lungs. What’s more, dogs have accidentally strangulated themselves by stepping on the electric window control. So keep the dog inside.

8. Skip the hot dog. Your dog or other pet can’t tell you if he’s feeling hot or cold, so be aware of the temperature. In warm weather, open a window or raise the air conditioning to prevent overheating or dehydration. (Direct sun can be even harder on dark-colored dogs, so consider sunshades if your windows aren’t tinted.) Never leave your pet alone in the car. In the summer, the car’s internal temperature can rise to fatal levels very quickly, even with the windows ajar.

9. Take frequent breaks. A dog’s legs need to be stretched and they need water, exercise and potty breaks at regular intervals.

10. Avoid poison and choking hazards. Some dogs will eat anything (mine will). Ingesting antifreeze, even small amounts can be fatal to cats, dogs, and birds. Consider switching from conventional ethylene glycol antifreeze to a propylene glycol-based antifreeze which is much less toxic.

(This list was adapted from Edmunds)

Pets Welcome makes it easy to find pet-friendly lodging, pet sitting, and other related pet travel services and information.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/10-tips-for-traveling-with-pets-with-video.html#ixzz2DBdL14Aa

Pat Newstead





Three Ways To Cut Your Kids’ Sugar Intake

6 11 2012

 If your children are like and children I know, they love sweets. It seems like it takes a few years for children to appreciate flavors more sophisticated than Hubba Bubba and Fruity Pebbles. If my friend’s kids were in charge of the grocery list, we would eat Popsicles for breakfast and gummy bears for dinner.

If you are trying to wean your kids (or yourself) off sugar, I suggest you reduce it in phases.

Here are 3 ways to reduce the sugar in your kid’s diets.

1) Drink less pop: they are loaded with sugar and empty calories.
2) Use whole grains: complex carbs provide long-term energy. Brown rice, whole wheat bread, and whole-grain pasta are all readily available at grocery stores.
3) Substitute natural sweeteners like stevia, honey, and 100% fruit juice. The more subtle sweetness provided by natural sweeteners helps taste buds adjust gradually to less sugar.

Xocai offers many low-glycemic healthy chocolate products that kids love. See http://www.mxicorp.com/ for more information.

To learn more call me today at 519-757-2751.

Pat Newstead





Is Juicing Better For Kids?

6 11 2012

 Paris health trends come and go and I have recently noticed that the practice of juicing fruits and vegetables has made its way back into everyday life.

In my experience, I have found that the only Paris parents who have been successful at making their own super-healthy juices over the long-term are Paris vegetarians who dedicate a lot of daily time to preparing their food.

Most people who buy an expensive juicer use it for a few weeks before it is relegated to the back shelf of the pantry. Though juicing provides a way to improve your children’s nutrition, it can be time-consuming and expensive. After buying fresh fruits and vegetables, it can cost several dollars to make one glass. Of course, if you have ever tasted fruit and vegetable juices made fresh, you know how delicious they are. For many Paris parents, this is worth every minute and every dollar spent.

Does juicing provide more nutrition than eating whole fruits and vegetables?

I haven’t come across any convincing evidence of this but I do see the value for parents whose kids enjoy drinking juice more than eating whole fruits and vegetables. Mixing vegetables with sweet fruits in a juice can disguise their taste and make them more palatable than the same vegetables raw or cooked.

Parents who would like to start juicing should keep in mind the fact that juicing usually removes all the fiber from the fruits and veggies used. A glass of fresh juice also contains a lot of calories!

To learn more about a fantastic snack that is packed with vitamins and minerals, call me today at 519-757-2751.

Pat Newstead

Children’s Heart Disease Risk

23 10 2012

 A growing number of Ontario. Canada children are developing high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and type 2 diabetes which are all risk factors for developing heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, there is credible evidence that cholesterol buildup in arteries begins in childhood.

A study done in Australia showed that changes made to children before adulthood, such as healthy eating habits, exercise, and weight management are likely to reduce the risk for heart disease later in life.

The three main risk factors for children in developing high cholesterol are heredetary from their parents, diet, and obesityy. It’s a very wise to schedule an appointment,  with your doctor to have your own cholesterol checked to make sure your kids aren’t at risk.

When shopping at your local grocery store, stock up on healthy snacks like nuts, dried fruit, and yogurt. Helping kids make wise healthy lifestyle choices now prepares them to have healthy lifestyles as adults.

As a health and wellness business owner, I would love to share more information about your child’s nutrition and healthy snacking. Please call or email me today.

Pat Newstead   519-757-2751   pat_newstead@yahoo.ca
Paris, Ontario. CANADA

I am Pat Newstead, and I am a Paris-based Xocai artisan chocolate distributor. I joined Xocai in January 2009. I sell the industry-leading Xocai “Healthy Chocolate products online.

˜Xocai” is also a fantastic home-based business in Ontario. CANADA entrepreneurs can supplement their income by cashing in on a high-demand healthy chocolate market. To learn more about ˜Xocai”, visit mxi.myvoffice.com/patnewstead.

Home Offices: Small Is Beautiful

3 10 2012

Today’s article is about starting your own home based business.

Years ago, you very rarely heard of people starting home based businesses; at that time you only heard of large companies with thousands of employees.   Nowadays you’re seeing more people starting their own businesses, thus becoming their own boss.

Some new team members recruited from the corporate world are initially skeptical about being able to run their business from a small home or apartment. There are many benefits to starting a home based business. 

There is no need to go out and rent office space, you only need a desk, chair, and some office supplies.

  • Get a desk that fits your space. Corner desks can free up space not ordinarily used.
  • Office chairs with rollers let you easily access items within arm’s reach without having to stand up.
  • Shelves, shelves, shelves! Use all that prime vertical real estate on your walls.
  • Get a paper shredder and use it.

With starting a Xocai home based business, you’re able to enjoy the benefits of operating your own business from their home; with unlimited income potential, flexibility, being your own boss, and not having the overhead of product.

A paper shredder takes up some room but frees up space previously populated by papers you don’t need anymore.  Some super-organized team members might schedule regular paper-shredding into their weekly agenda.

One drawback of home offices is the difficulty of holding meetings. It is hard to remain professional when inviting a client to your home office that doubles as a laundry room. You can solve this by holding large business meetings in rented conference rooms. Small meetings can be held over lunch or breakfast in business-friendly Brantford restaurants. (Check for internet access before scheduling.)

Before you head out to your nearest office supply store to buy a rolling chair, desk, or shelf unit, take measurements of your space. This may save you a trip to return an item that doesn’t fit.

I am new entrepreneur Pat Newstead. Working at home running my xe energy drink online business lets me work and play everyday. If you are stuck in the 9-5 lifestyle, let’s talk. My xe energy drink team is currently seeking people to join our team  

Give me a call!
Pat Newstead
Paris, Ontario. CANADA N3L 3B2
519-757-2751 pat_newstead@yahoo.ca

Paris Chocolate – Health Benefits

12 09 2012

Xocai, the original dark healthy chocolate, is made from the world’s number one antioxidant super food cacao and the incredible acai berry.

With their revolutionary product, Xocai created the healthy chocolate industry and continues to set the nutritional standard

But Xocai is not resting on its laurels. They decided to make their heart healthy chocolate even more powerful. Xocai is in the process of enhancing each of its formulas. To analyze and quantify the chocolate benefits of the re-formulations, MXI (head office of Xocai) hired third party Brunswick Laboratories to test each new compound.

Xocai Activ contains a rich blend of unprocessed cacao, acaí berries, blueberries and concord grapes. Activ has a rich chocolate taste that is far superior to any other chocolate flavored protein shake or energy drink. If you enjoy high-fructose Hershey’s syrup (a household staple for many) you will love Activ!

I am Pat Newstead and I love telling folks about Xocai antioxidant chocolate. My Paris network marketing business grows as I share the great news about Xocai’s products.  If you join me at a chocolate tasting,, you can learn more about chocolate health benefits; and how to build a home based business in Paris & area. Contact me at 519-757-2751 or email at pat_newstead@yahoo.ca to get more information! To learn more about ˜Xocai”, visit mxi.myvoffice.com/patnewstead.

Keeping kids healthy in day care

12 09 2012

Keeping Kids Healthy In Daycare

Keeping kids healthy!  If you are like most parents, you do your best to keep your kids healthy. You take them to the pediatrician for immunizations and vaccinations, teach them good hygiene habits, and try to get them to eat their veggies.

But what about kids in daycare centres?  Whose making sure children wash their hands after using the bathroom and covering their nose, mouth with their forearm; when sneezing and coughing?

When researching area daycare providers, ask them about their health and safety policies.

  • Do they recommend that sick children stay home?
  • Do they clean and disinfect tables and play areas, before and after use?  
  • Do they strive for frequent hand washing?

    Parents of children in daycare can do much on their own, by making sure their kid’s immunizations are kept up to date and ensure that their children are eating a wide variety of healthy foods to keep their immune system ready for anything that comes their way.

    Even with all that Ontario. parents and daycare providers do to prevent it, children will get sick. However, some studies have shown that children in daycare actually get less colds when they’re older than children that stay home. When first attending daycare, children may get sick a lot, but after about one year they often build up immunity, and are sick about as often as their stay-at-home counterparts. I guess the old saying is true (at least in this case): what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.

    I am Pat Newstead, and  have been a Paris-based Xocai Healthy Chocolate authorized distributor since 2009 selling the industry-leading XE energy drink and healthy chocolate nuggets. I am enjoying benefits of eating healthy chocolate and have my own part time business selling healthy chocolate, too! If you want more information about great tasting Xocai chocolate, feel free to contact me at 519-757-2751 or via email at pat_newstead@yahoo.ca

Many people hav…

19 08 2012


Xocai-The Healthy Chocolate

Xocai-The Healthy Chocolate (Photo credit: networker)


Many people have asked questions about the science of Xocai. “Does Xocai Have ANY Science Behind It’s Health Claims?” is a question that has been asked more than once inOntario.CANADA.


The answer is ‘Yes’, there is science behind the notion of ‘healthy chocolate’. Xocai is one of several companies selling healthy chocolate for the health benefits, and while there are many things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eating chocolate is certainly one of them.


We’re not suggesting that you run down to your nearest grocery store and buy a few candy bars for lunch? Absolutely not. There are some specific ways to each chocolate that are deemed healthy. Chocolate, after all, is a natural substance, and when it is prepared in a natural way, it can be a healthy treat.


One of the unique ways that Xocai prepares healthy chocolate is by a method called ‘cold press’. This means we don’t heat our chocolate in the process of making it, which allows it to maintain most of it’s natural state. We also avoid adding lots of sugars and other unnecessary ingredients, helping to reduce the impact of your snack.


Here’s a quick review and some links to the science and studies behind Xocai’s healthy chocolate, and a few of the reasons why I like to sell. It may not be for everyone, but if you are looking for a healthy chocolate snack, Xocai is a leader and provides you with a great product.


NOTE that many of these studies regard Xocai chocolate, specifically, however that many are for natural chocolate including cacao or cocoa in its natural form.


First, here is a clinical study on the effects of Xocai chocolate on  Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis Risk by Dr. Eliot Brinton, MD (Chair, Cardiovascular Genetics, University of Utah) — April 2008 http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/bye/sQoPWw4lZX-HWB7Ju67PL/fVcGS6hzZiNGFB-HvB1nJPcHu61PeB-RvnGHuQ16zwUgeio5JdcBJH1PkQt “Effects of Xoçai Antioxidant Supplements on Atherosclerosis Risk Factors” Overview: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00666250


Here is an audio testimonial regarding a study on Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Hyperglycemia, and HDL/LDLfrom Dr. Brinton: http://adampaulgreen.com/listen/interview-with-elliott-brinton/ http://mychocolatepod.com/interview-with-dr-elliott-brinton/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPiIRWGIVIY Results include:


  1. Increased vascular reactivity
  2. Improved arterial compliance
  3. Increased HDL-C levels,
  4. Decreased oxidation of LDL, and
  5. Reduced insulin resistance


…here is a link to the online paper: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/study/NCT00666250?show_desc=Y#desc


There have been a few studies regarding Xocai chocolate and Weight Loss. Dr. Mike Kennedy, MD and Dr. Steve Warren, MD did a study in June 2010 regarding weight loss and Xocai chocolate, specifically. You can read the overview here: http://www.mxicorp.com/weightlosssystem/ http://adampaulgreen.com/listen/interview-with-dr-steve-warren/ There is a video explaination, here: http://www.mxicorp.com/weightlosssystem/index.php?video=weightloss


The Results of the Xocai weight loss study are posted here: http://www.mxicorp.com/custom/library/weightloss/results.pdf The 12 Week Study included 50 Participants with a Total Pounds Lost equalling 1,569.9 pounds.


Here is a PDF document explaining the Xocai weight loss study: http://www.mxicorp.com/custom/library/weightloss/docstudy.pdf


There are other studies, too, including raw data about Xocai’s chocolate ORAC scores and the Brunswick Labs seal of superior quality. You can read abou those here: http://www.mxicorp.com/thewholestory/index.php?video=wholestory%20http://www.mxicorp.com/healthychocolate/


The bottom line is that chocolate can be healthy for you, and Xocai has an excellent product that will help you satisfy your cravings without adding lots of sugar or junk food to your diet. Xocai is a good company, working to deliver a good product. It may not be for you, but lots of people love Chocolate and want a good, high-quality and healthy alternative to what they might find on their convenience store shelves. Xocai chocolate is a good healthy alternative.


So why join ˜Xocai” today!


I am Pat Newstead, and I am a Paris home based Xocai healthy chocolate distributor. I joined Xocai in January 2009. I sell the industry-leading Xocai products online and in Paris, and surrounding area. Our valued Paris customers recommend nuggets because one nugget is equivalent to ½ pound of spinach.


˜Xocai” is also a fantastic home-based business in the Paris area. Ontario. CANADA entrepreneurs can supplement their income by cashing in on a high-demand Ontario. CANADA healthy chocolate market. To learn more about ˜Xocai” please contact me 519-757-2751, or visit my website at http://mxi.myvoffice.com/patnewstead.


Call me at 519-757-2751 to own your home-based business in Paris and area.


Eating Chocolate = Healthy Teeth

19 08 2012



Tooth! (Photo credit: Jacob Johan)


Consumption of cocoa has been knowm to slow down free radical damage in gum tissues, & also slows the bacteria activity which is most responsible for tooth decay.  Includimg a regular consumption of cocoa into your diet could help in the suppressing the progression of periodontiris.Recent studies are showing that chocolate is effective at fighting cavities, plaque, and tooth decay in your mouth.


Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the mouth turn sugar into acids, which eat away at the tooth’s surface. Compounds in the cocoa bean husk have an anti-bacterial effect and also fight against plaque. Dentist‘s sa that chocolate, is less harmful to your teeth, unlike the traditional sweetened candy, because its antibacterial agents found cocoa beans offset its high sugar levels.


Chocolate especially dark in recent years was given a bad rap, as cavity-causing treat.  Dark chocolate has actually been found, to help to prevent cavities !  It’s beingpredicted by researchers that the compound found in chocolate called CBH will one day be used in mouthwashes and toothpastes. The compound CBH, a white crystalline powder whose chemical makeup is similar to caffeine, helps harden tooth enamel, making users less susceptible to tooth decay.